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Why Is It Important to Set Realistic Goals?

If I were to ask you - "where would you want to be in one year,"

would you have the answer?

If your answer is no, this means you have no clear path forward to follow. And as time is our most precious resource, learning to use it well and enjoy the journey is one of the best investments in life.

Setting realistic goals can turn your clouded and confusing idea of the future into a clear path forward. This allows you to better see what potential steps you can take right now, to get a little closer to achieving your goals.

This blog post will teach you how to create smart goals that set you up for success.

backpacker at the station on a adventure

Define Success

Success isn't solely about financial wealth. Living a rich and successful life varies in meaning for each individual. When the legendary musician Bob Marley was asked, "Are you a rich man? Do you have a lot of money in the bank?" his response was:

Possession make you rich? I don't have that kind of richness. My richness is life... forever.

To become successful in whatever you dream of, you first need to clearly define it's meaning to you. Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers;

  1. What is my definition of success?

  2. Why do I want to be successful?

A reminder, I am not talking about money, fame or anything specific. Success is subjective, use these two questions to formulate your own vision.

Discussing success doesn't have to lead to pressure or stress. In fact, defining success on your own terms can be a source of relief. When you have a clear understanding of what you truly want, it brings clarity and reassurance, especially during moments of doubt.

So no matter if you want to climb the corporate ladder, or just live a slow and peaceful life, defining your version of success is the first step to making it a reality.

Setting Goals

After answering the questions above and defining your own version of success, it is time to set goals to help you get there.

Setting good and reasonable goals will help light up the otherwise unclear, confusing path to your success.

man writing on paper

Setting goals, just like defining success, does not have to be a factor of stress or pressure. Learning to set healthy and sustainable goals will actually relieve you of stress by providing a clear path to follow. When lost in life, goals can help us find home again.

To set good and sustainable goals for yourself, you need to be specific. Example;

The Goal : I want to read and understand the book"Feel Good Productivity", by Ali Abdaal within 30 days.

The Why : I believe it can help me set better personal goals, and work towards them in a enjoyable process.

The How : Bedtime reading 15 minutes every night to wind down for sleep. Underline and take notes of the sections I find the most helpful for me.

This is a short but pretty specific way to set a goal. There is a what, why, and how which makes it very clear and practical.

A goal that is not specific could look something like this;

  • I want to make 3000 Dollars a month.


  • I want to gain 10kg of muscle.

This type of goal, won't be very helpful at all. There is no why or how to guide your way and provide a clear path. It is also missing an important factor, when your goal should be completed.

A good way to set up helpful goals for yourself is by answering all these questions;

Goal Setting Formula

  • What is your goal?

  • Why do you want this?

  • How will you work towards, and reach this goal?

  • How much time will it take?

Thousands of studies have proven that setting good goals is a great way to help us understand what we want, and actually achieve it.

So take some time to write down your current goals, use the tips above.

I want to note, setting smaller goals that you know you can reach in the near future is a good starting point. Massive goals that will take years to accomplish will require patience, but completing smaller goals on the way will take you there step by step, and feel good!

Keep it Simple, and Don't Stop

I have a tendency to look at all the things I want to accomplish or reach and believe that they are impossible. But this is just our mind playing tricks.

To reach what you define as success and crush your goals is within your reach. But do not forget that it is a marathon, not a sprint.

Keep it simple by setting up a long term plan, find the balance that lets you go the entire marathon. Going for a sprint is a bad strategy.

There is no secret to success, well if there is, it's this one;

Just keep going, and don't stop.

Step by step, small goal after small goal you will come closer to what you want to achieve.

Conclusion - Why Is It Important to Set Realistic Goals?

Why is it important to set realistic goals? Here is the answer.

Specific and realistic goals can turn the future from confusing and unknown, into a clear vision. From not knowing where to go, setting goals can clarify the steps you can start taking to achieve what you set out to do.

Define what success is to you. Set good short and long term goals. Use the questions what, why, how and when for setting these goals. Be specific in setting your goals, write them down and go back to them for reflection regularly.

With your goals to back you, go for a marathon instead of a short sprint, and just keep going, don't stop.

I hope you found this post helpful, I wrote a lot of it for myself. I am trying to get better at the long game and enjoying the process.

Social media has us being bombarded with "success" meaning masive money, fame or being the best at something. I want to change my perspective.

Success carries a different meaning from person to person, we all have our own. And setting realistic and specific goals can get help us in getting there.


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